Some stuff I particularly enjoyed ...
Konstantin Kalynovych / The Alchemist. I'm happy to own a print, meticulously done. Artist's site:
Koralie (Metroplastique) / Mineral Talisman Earrings from "Collection Composite." I had to get just to admire. More here:
Catherine Prats & Kimihito Okuyama / Librairie Galerie MiniMa. I've been dreaming of a shop exclusively for miniature art and books. Edition L'atelier du lierre:
Subcultural Girl. Ballpoint pen, 2014.

Phlegm / Totems. Artist's site:
I recommend his book of pen and ink drawings, which includes a nice poster of 'Civilisation':
Michel Leiris / Nights as Day, Days as Night (1988). Original: Nuits sans nuit et quelques jours sans jour, Paris: Gallimard, 1961.
Another dream journal ... Georges Perec / La Boutique Obscure: 124 Dreams (2013). Original: La boutique obscure. 124 rêves, Paris: Denoël/Gonthier, 1973.
And another of sorts ... Alfred Jarry / Days and Nights, various from Atlas Press. Original: Les Jours et les nuits, roman d'un déserteur, Paris: Mercure de France, 1897.
Stefan Fischer / Hieronymus Bosch: Complete Works (2014). Look inside:
I'm also looking forward to 2 upcoming releases from Taschen: Winsor McCay: The Complete Little Nemo and van Eyck: The Complete Works.
Kimika Warabe / とびだす! うごく! -たべもの, Tobidasu! Ugoku! Tabemono (2008). My sister gave this mini pop-up book to my nephew, and he loved it. I must say, it is a very cute book.
Panos Cosmatos / Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010).
Asif Kapadia / The Warrior (2001).
John Coney / Space is the Place (1974). I like to rewatch it from time to time.
La Femme / Psycho Tropical Berlin (2013). More info:
Pierre Schaeffer / L'œuvre musicale, various from INA/GRM/EMF.
The Lykes of Us / '7:30 Said' (1967). More info: